Ready-to-use liquid TMB substrate

Article NoProduct namePack SizePriceQuantityAdd to cart
Article No: 
EC-Blue Enhanced, 100 ml
Pack Size: 
100 ml
Price: 56 EUR
Article No: 
EC-Blue Enhanced, 1000 ml
Pack Size: 
1000 ml
Price: 306 EUR
Article No: 
EC-Blue Enhanced, 250 ml
Pack Size: 
250 ml
Price: 81 EUR
TMB substrate


  • TMB ready-to-use liquid substrate
  • Substrate for assays using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugate
  • Low background
  • High sensitivity
  • Long stability







Product description

3, 3’, 5, 5’-Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) substrate is a ready-to-use liquid substrate for HRP, specially developed for ELISA procedures. EC-Blue Enhanced™ Substrate turns deep blue (620-650 nm) in the presence of a peroxidase-labelled
conjugate. Colour development can be stopped by adding an equal volume of 0.5 M H2SO4 (Article no. 10-9500-50), which turns the substrate yellow (450 nm).

One bottle of EC Blue consists of a solution containing
proprietary ready-mixed chromogen substrate reagents, pH 3.8. The solution has a straw-yellow colour at room temperature and a light greenish tint when stored at 4°C. The colour returns to normal when warmed overnight to room temperature.

For laboratory use only.



Recommended for ELISA procedures


Directions for use

No additional mixing reagents are required. The material is not dependent on room temperature. Never pipette directly from the bottle. Do not leave the cap off.


Shipping and Storage

The product is stable for 2 years after production date when stored at 4°C. Prolonged exposure to light is not recommended. Store in an amber bottle. As some metal ions can oxidize TMB, allow only glass or plastic to come in contact with the substrate.



Appearance: Colourless liquid at room temperature.  Slightly green tint when stored at 4°C
pH: 3.8 ± 0.05
Composition: TMB (3,3’, 5,5’ - Tetramethylbenzidine) substrate H2O2 and buffer 
Storage: 4°C in dark
Shelf life: 2 years